A breath of fresh air, Turquoise. The fiddle leaf held impeccable space for me today as I reflected on living in this apartment with them and all that they’ve witnessed of me over this past year. They tell me to be kind and gentle with myself, go slow and be reverent. My days are spent speaking with the more than human world often in attempts to build relationships. Sometimes the coyote, roadrunner, hawk and snake stay and listen. Sometimes they transmit messages without words. Sometimes they don’t want to talk. It’s rare to hear an intellectual speak the way you do about animism. It’s like a bridge back to a land we’ve forgotten we live in always. Thanks for the prompt. I often forget to speak to those who are closest to me like the fiddle while I’m off on adventures stalking hawks and diamondbacks. Here’s to less change making and more tai chi <3

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This comment really made me cry -- much, much harder than I expected. I don’t know why, but I am very grateful for that and very grateful for you. I don’t know that the intellectuals nor the animists would fully claim me as their own, so I would be most honored to be a bridge. 🌁 😌🙏🏽💗 Any chance I could quote you in my next article? 🙂 Also if you’re still in any of the denizen/consciousness/clubhouse signal feeds, would absolutely love a share there too. I recoil a bit to self promote. No expectation either way. 😊 Thank you so sooooo very much Patrick. This made my day!!!

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I’m touched to hear my comment was moving. I feel less alone when I read you- truly a gift! Happy to share your work :) And sure, you can quote me. I asked the fiddle, they said you can quote them too.

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I love this human.

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